Preventing death from colorectal cancer.
About CRCbioscreen
Amsterdam | October 2021
CRCBioScreen has a single objective – preventing death from colorectal cancer.
The company’s early diagnostic multiFIT combines three protein biomarkers to
increase the yield of CRC screening. multiFIT detects 60% more of the most
relevant CRC precursors than current standard of practice stool test, i.e FIT.
Next generation
FIT testing is an accepted standard for early cancer screening in many countries
worldwide. multiFIT uses the same logistics, usually guided by national screening
strategies, and will be a cost-effective way to prevent more cancers.
“Early detection of CRC can save many lives and the mtFIT is a cost-effective approach to substantially improve upon the widely used FIT by detecting more advanced adenomas.”
Meike de Wit, PhD
Clinical utility and validation
CRCBioScreen will run a 13,000+ subject prospective screening in 2021-22, within the context of the existing Netherlands CRC population screening program
Unique features
- European patent is granted for a 9-biomarker set, including multiFIT set, and is in force until 2035.
- multiFIT is the first multimarker test compatible with existing FIT logistics
- multiFIT improves sensitivity to reduce CRC incidence and deaths